141. Plant adaptation and phytoremediation /
پدیدآورنده : [edited by] M. Ashraf, M. Ozturk, M. S. A. Ahmad.
موضوع : Plants -- Adaptation.,Phytoremediation
۳ نسخه از این کتاب در ۳ کتابخانه موجود است.
142. Prayers of the holy prophet
Author: / [by Anis Ahmad]; translated by M.Abdul Hamid Siddiqi
Library: National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran)
Subject: دعاها
Classification :
۵۰۴۹۵۲ ۱۳۶۷

143. Principles of nanoscience and nanotechnology
Author: /M.A. Shah, Tokeer Ahmad.
Library: Library of Graduate Faculty of Environment of Tehran Univerdity (Tehran)
Subject: Nanostructured materials,Nanoscience
Classification :

144. Production of K[Formula:
Author: Adam, J; Adamová, D; Aggarwal, MM; Aglieri Rinella, G; Agnello, M; Agrawal, N; Ahammed, Z; Ahmad, S; Ahn, SU; Aiola, S; Akindinov, A; Alam, SN; Aleksandrov, D; Alessandro, B; Alexandre, D; Alfaro Molina, R; Alici, A; Alkin, A; Almaraz, JRM; Alme, J; Alt, T; Altinpinar, S; Altsybeev, I; Alves Garcia Prado, C; et al.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

145. Production of charged pions, kaons, and (anti-)protons in Pb-Pb and inelastic pp collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
Author: Acharya, S; Adamova, D; Adhya, SP; Adler, A; Adolfsson, J; Aggarwal, MM; Rinella, G Aglieri; Agnello, M; Agrawal, N; Ahammed, Z; Ahmad, S; Ahn, SU; Akindinov, A; Al-Turany, M; Alam, SN; Albuquerque, DSD; Aleksandrov, D; Alessandro, B; Alfanda, HM; Alfaro Molina, R; Ali, B; Ali, Y; Alici, A; Alkin, A; Alme, J; Alt, T; et al.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

146. Production of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV
Author: Acharya, S; Adamová, D; Aggarwal, MM; Aglieri Rinella, G; Agnello, M; Agrawal, N; Ahammed, Z; Ahmad, N; Ahn, SU; Aiola, S; Akindinov, A; Alam, SN; Albuquerque, DSD; Aleksandrov, D; Alessandro, B; Alexandre, D; Alfaro Molina, R; Alici, A; Alkin, A; Alme, J; Alt, T; Altsybeev, I; Alves Garcia Prado, C; An, M; Andrei, C; et al.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

147. Pseudorapidity dependence of the anisotropic flow of charged particles in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV
Author: Adam, J; Adamová, D; Aggarwal, MM; Aglieri Rinella, G; Agnello, M; Agrawal, N; Ahammed, Z; Ahmad, S; Ahn, SU; Aiola, S; Akindinov, A; Alam, SN; Albuquerque, DSD; Aleksandrov, D; Alessandro, B; Alexandre, D; Alfaro Molina, R; Alici, A; Alkin, A; Almaraz, JRM; Alme, J; Alt, T; Altinpinar, S; Altsybeev, I; et al.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

148. Quality breeding in field crops /
Author: Asif M. Iqbal Qureshi, Zahoor Ahmad Dar, Shabir Hussain Wani, editors.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Plant breeding.,Plant breeding.,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Agriculture-- General.
Classification :

149. Red clouds over Afghanistan
Author: by A.M. Manzar ; with an introduction, by Khurshid Ahmad
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Afghanistan - Politics and government - 1973-,Soviet Union - Foreign relations - Afghanistan,Afghanistan - Foreign relations - Soviet Union

150. Reviewed Work:By the Penby Jalal Al-e Ahmad, M. R. Ghanoonparvar
Author: M. R. Ghanoonparvar and Jalal Al-e Ahmad
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

151. Reviewed Work:On Islam and Shi'ismby Ahmad Kasravi, M. R. Ghanoonparvar
Author: M. R. Ghanoonparvar and Ahmad Kasravi
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

152. Reviewed Work:Pakistan and the Middle Eastby M. Ahmad
Author: M. Ahmad
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

153. Reviewed Work:The Unity of the Nile Valley: Its Geographical Bases and Its Manifestations in Historyby Abbas Ammar, Ahmad Badawi, Ibrahim Noshi, M. Shafik Ghorbal, Abdel Rahman Zaki
Author: Abbas Ammar and Ahmad Badawi and Ibrahim Noshi and M. Shafik Ghorbal and Abdel Rahman Zaki
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

154. Reviewed Work(s): Al-Mujtana, an Anthology of Arabic Literature and History by M. J.Kister and Aḥmad Idrīs
Author: M. J. Kister and Aḥmad Idrīs
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

155. Roman fortified farms (qsur) and military sites in the region of the Wadi Al-Kuf, Cyrenaica (Eastern Libya)
Author: Emrage, Ahmad S. M.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

156. Salt stress in plants
Author: Parvaiz Ahmad, M.M. Azooz, M.N.V. Prasad, editors
Library: Central Library of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin (Qazvin)
Subject: #QK753.S32S25 2013,Plants,Salt,Stress, Physiological,Plants^aEffect of salts on,Botany,Life sciences,Plant breeding,Plant physiology
Classification :

157. Salt stress in plants
Author: Parvaiz Ahmad, M.M. Azooz, M.N.V. Prasad, editors
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Plants-- Effect of salts on
Classification :

158. Salt stress in plants : signalling, omics and adaptations
Author: Parvaiz Ahmad, M.M. Azooz, M.N.V. Prasad, editors.
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Khorasan Razavi)
Subject: Effect of salts on ، Plants
Classification :

159. Searches for transverse momentum dependent flow vector fluctuations in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at the LHC
Author: Acharya, S; Adamová, D; Adolfsson, J; Aggarwal, MM; Aglieri Rinella, G; Agnello, M; Agrawal, N; Ahammed, Z; Ahmad, N; Ahn, SU; Aiola, S; Akindinov, A; Alam, SN; Alba, JLB; Albuquerque, DSD; Aleksandrov, D; Alessandro, B; Alfaro Molina, R; Alici, A; Alkin, A; Alme, J; Alt, T; Altenkamper, L; Altsybeev, I; et al.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

160. Searches for transverse momentum dependent flow vector fluctuations in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at the LHC
Author: Acharya, S; Adamová, D; Adolfsson, J; Aggarwal, MM; Aglieri Rinella, G; Agnello, M; Agrawal, N; Ahammed, Z; Ahmad, N; Ahn, SU; Aiola, S; Akindinov, A; Alam, SN; Alba, JLB; Albuquerque, DSD; Aleksandrov, D; Alessandro, B; Alfaro Molina, R; Alici, A; Alkin, A; Alme, J; Alt, T; Altenkamper, L; Altsybeev, I; et al.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)